Thursday, July 1, 2010

Owen Meany:A Martyr?

Owen Meany is a martyr which means that he would rather die than to give up his religion. I thought he and his family were done with the Catholics? Wasn't that his first belief? But he'snot dead... However, he did tell John to remember that he had killed him when they were about the age of 11. How is Owen Meany a Martyr? Even thought he can't see God, he knows that he is there, he can "feel his presence there". But would he die for a friend, and/ or a dream? Owen Meany doesn't believe in coincidences. No one is ever in the wrong place at the wrong time, it was always meant to happen to one, it is always fate. Death is such a drastic thing, Maybe not for Owen because when it comes it won't be a suprise, he has already seen it and has prepared himself for it even though he's dreading the day. At the end of chapter eight, in his dream, he's rising to the heavens, to the "Warms place" he was explaining to John, and as he rose, he was looking down inspecting his bloodly, armless body being embraced by the nun and having all the children he saved crowed around him. If he can see himself, he can see John, and in my opinion, through out this whole book, Owen Meany, has been John's guardian ANGEL. I had to put emphasis on angel because we have been discussing him as a christ figure, but if he's God's disciple, he can't be God himself. He promised John that nothing bad would ever happen to him, he displayed confidence in his words, but how can anyone(even Owen Meany be so sure? Especially because his dreams are not always one hundred percent).


  1. Owen Meany believes that he is a messenger sent by God,through out the book he has sacrificed himself to john and many others. To sacrifice is to give yourself away for another or to give up something important. Owen gave up basbeall,the only sport he ever loved,because he hurt his best friends mother. Not many people can do that maybe you can do that but not in the holy way Owen did."GOD HAS TAKEN YOUR MOTHER.MY HANDS WERE THE INSTRUMENT.GOD HAS TAKEN MY HANDS.I AM GODS INSTRUMENT",Owen-(page 87).How many eleven year old's do you know that can say that?

  2. But giving up baseball is still giving something. And I don't think he liked baseball that much for the simple fact that the bat was too big for him and he couldn't play very well. And evenا though he said he was God's instrument, he still really never gave himself up. He didn't give himself to God (in a way) God “took” him. So he would only ever sacrifice himself because of his religion
