Monday, August 2, 2010

The lord of the Flies

The Lord of the Flies, is a novel that occurs during the time of war. The main characters are Piggy and Ralph. On their journey, their plane is shot down. On this plane were boys of all ages. The plane crashes on an island where there are no adults and the pilot is gone. There is some controversy whether or not they will be rescued. I actually do not think they will survive. As children you need guidance and if you do not have that, there is chaos. Also we find that there is an atomic bomb. When an atomic bomb occurs it kills everything in its way. Thus the airport in which they are coming from will not know that these kids are suffering on the island; They're dead. Ralph claims that his dad is in the army and once he notices that his son did reach land he'll go out and look for him and rescue them all. In the beginning when Piggy finds a conch, Ralph blows the conch to let the kids know that they are not alone. Once everyone is gathered around Ralph seems to have took the intuitive and lead the new settlers of the island. Some of the boys help do work. Others like the youngsters take this time as an adventure, even though they no there is dangers all around them. There seems to be some tension rising up between Piggy and Ralph; Piggy feels under appreciated by Ralph, and Ralph complains that he's the only one hard at work to Jack. I predict that they will get found eventually but unexpectedly. They are going to be on this island for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Dont forget, Jack is also a main character. He's the antagonist in the story, while Ralph is the protagonist :)
