Friday, July 30, 2010

Finny’s Decision

There is a particular scene in the book that shows that Phineas is our Chris Figure. In the courtroom scene when Brinker was trying to figure out what happened to cause Finny’s fall. In the “courtroom” Finny had a chance of finding out the truth. “Did my best friend purposely jounce the limb?”

“Phineas had been sitting motionless, leaning slightly forward, not far from the position in which we prayed at Devon (Knowles 172).” This is similar to Christ praying in the garden before he was crucified. In the garden Jesus was praying to God: “Take this cup from me (Bible).” Jesus prayed that there had to be another way to redeem man kind. When Phineas was in this position he was hoping that he wouldn’t have to reveal his doubts about his best friend. The actions show his relation to being a Christ figure.

“After a long time he turned and reluctantly looked at me. I did not return his look or move or speak (Knowles 172.” He looked at gene because he wanted to see it Gene was tired of the courtroom and if they should leave. This is also like Jesus looking to God for an answer as to what he should do. Jesus wanted to find a way around crucifixion and he was praying that God would give him an alternative but God was silent as was Gene.

“‘Leper’s here,’ he said in a voice so quiet, and with such quiet unconscious dignity, that he was suddenly terrifyingly strange to me (Knowles 172).” The quote reveals that Finny is trying to redeem Gene, by uncovering the truth.

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