Friday, July 30, 2010

An Interesting Element To A Separate Peace

What struck me as an interesting affect was the explanation of Phineas’ fall. Binker [The Antagonist] was suspiciously concerned about how Phineas fell and he knew that Gene was climbing the tree with Phineas. Binker then skeptically adds, “there is a war on. Here’s one soldier [Phineas] our side has already lost. We’ve got to find out what happened (Knowles 168).” Then someone up on the platform says, “Just for the record, you agree, don’t you, Gene (Knowles 168)?” Gene knew then that he was being accused. After Binker finished his speech about him never forgetting how his friend got hurt, Gene points out, “You and I are two different people (Knowles 171).” Gene doesn’t want to be compared to Binker because he knows Binker is trying to accuse him of jouncing the limb. Then Gene replies, “Well of course no one’s accusing me --- (Knowles 171)”, with a hint of hesitation. "No, we're not accusing you," a boy on the platform said evenly, and then I [Gene] stood accused (Knowles 171)." Gene is left there with a feeling that he will soon fall...

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