Thursday, July 1, 2010

Religion and Deformities

Thomas Foster's How to Read Literature Like a Professor, he writes, "...we live in a Christian culture." What he means is that a majority of our culture is derived from the beliefs of the European settlers. This does not mean that we are all Christians but many societies are based around the same concept. No matter what are your religious beliefs are, knowing what the old and even the new testaments are is very important.Even if you read literature from other cultures like an Islamic or Hindu culture it can be helpful to know about other religious beliefs. By putting your belief system aside you can recognize Christ figures(Chapter 14). In addition in chapter 21 he says that deformities Lawrence Duller's book called Alexandria Quartet, the author introduces several characters with disabilities and deformities one who has to had to amputate her hand just to save her life and later on she became a painter.It turned out that her prosthetic hand can paint but the deformities was more than an inconvenience to the character it lead the character to figure out that just because you are missing a limb it cannot stop you from going on in life.It also means that we cannot go through life with out being marked by the experience.

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